As usual, you make SOME good points, but they are drowned in hyperbole. Now as a background for my comment: I am an economist specializing in global economics, including international finance and international trade (and I know one is macro and the other is micro). I worked at the Bank of Canada. I teach economics courses at a good university. So. With this at least acceptable expertise, allow me to at least rectify one thing and then even detail it further:
Ratio of Imports/GDP USA = 15%.
Ratio if imports FROM CHINA, in % of all imports = 20%
Actual VALUE-ADDED from imports from China = less than 50% of all China imports, because, as you rightfully point out, China imports lots of stuff from everywhere (NOT just Russia) and transforms it into goods they sell to USA and EU. In fact, Russia ISN'T EVEN IN THE TOP 5 SUPPLIERS OF GOODS FOR CHINA.... What exactly do you base your articles on??? Fictions you have in your HEAD? Or actual data?
So. China "portion" of US economy is AT MOST 20% of 15%, which is 3%, and this is actually BADLY overblown, because the true value-added from China is AT LEAST half of that (this is the Current Account Deficit Fallacy, which you seem to be oblivious to). The MOST China represents in the US economy is maybe 2%. I am not even kidding. And you are making a WHOLE THEORY on this.
This is just like people saying that the USA is "endebted to China", which is true in a small way, as China holds 2 of the 30 trillion USD of US federal debt... LOL...
I appreciate your passion. But please stop with the disinformation, the hyperbole, and the CONSTANT denigration of Western mettle or values. You are a constant hater of everything Western, it seems.
PS: I am a progressive economist.